Evaluating Digital Scholarship

Scholars working in and around digital media, platforms, and projects frequently push the envelope of what the academy at large considers academic work. This section of the Committee on Information Technology (CIT) website is devoted to provided resources for those engaging in digital scholarship as well as those tasked with evaluating such work.

It is divided in to four sections:

  1. Guidelines for Evaluating Digital Work. This set of resources aggregates public guidelines, white papers, and publications that address criteria and methodologies for evaluating digital scholarly efforts. This list is not meant to be definitive, and the CIT welcomes additional resources.
  2. A Primer on Evaluating Digital Work in the Humanities. As a starting point for those tasked with evaluating digital work, this short primer provides questions designed to orient an evaluation. It also provides short explanations of why such questions are relevant. It is in ongoing development and revision by the CIT.
  3. Demonstrating Digital Scholarship. This ongoing series of posts (and the archived collection) provides arguments and strategies for individual scholars to link their own particular suite of non-traditional means to these traditional ends. It is not meant to be exhaustive, but representative.
  4. Resources. There are a plethora of existing digital projects of relevance to humanities research. This section will link to representative projects in a variety of different areas of digital humanities activity, as well as compiling helpful resources that do not fit in the above sections.

In all these sections, the CIT would welcome additional examples.