MLA 2017

The Committee on Information Technology (CIT) is sponsoring two sessions in Philadelphia.

276. Going Public: Tools for Developing Your Digital Identity
Friday, 6 January, 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m., Grand Ballroom Salon B, Philadelphia Marriott

Presiding: Patricia M. Hswe, Penn State Univ., University Park; Daniel Powell, Univ. of Victoria
Speakers: Nicky Agate, MLA; Melissa A. Dalgleish, York Univ.; Zach Whalen, Univ. of Mary Washington

Session Description:
Establishing a digital identity has become essential to managing one’s academic reputation. Discovery of you, as a researcher, is as important as discovery and citation of your research. This workshop addresses approaches to cultivating an online identity and offers guidance on “going public” using tools and strategies for building an audience and community around your research.


649. Histories of Digital Labor
Saturday, 7 January, 5:15–6:30 p.m., Franklin 5, Philadelphia Marriott

Presiding: Shawna Ross, Texas A&M Univ., College Station

1. “The Human Computer Project: African American Women at NASA, 1943–70,” Duchess Harris, Macalester Coll.; Francena Turner, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana
2. “Early Histories of OCR (Optical Character Recognition): Mary Jameson and Reading Optophones,” Tiffany Chan, Univ. of Victoria; Jentery Sayers, Univ. of Victoria
3. “Pan-American Made: Archival Work at the University of the Air,” David Squires, Washington State Univ., Pullman
4. “Vital Work: Information Science and Invisible Labor in The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman,” Madeleine Monson-Rosen, Loyola Univ., Baltimore

For abstracts, visit